Annual Appeal 2016

October 21, 2016

Dear Friends of KBEP,

You are a young person with potential, worth, and your whole life ahead of you. But for the last year, you have watched your best friend be in a relationship that has become increasingly unhealthy. You are aware that it has at times crossed the line to being abusive. You are struggling to find the words and the courage to talk to your friend – to make them aware of your concerns; aware of the unhealthy and abusive behaviors. You find yourself in a place where you, frankly, just don’t know what to do.

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Then one day, you walk into health class and for the next 5 days you participate in the Katie Brown Educational Program (KBEP). You are able to learn about the different types of violence — sometypes you had never even realized were violent. You are gaining an understanding of the dynamics of power & control, and the cycle of violence. You are given the opportunity to ask questions about dating expectations, solving conflicts, and setting boundaries. Most importantly, you are giveninformation and skills to help not only yourself, but your friend.

For 15 years, generous supporters of KBEP have made it possible for over 78,000 students to receivethe program. As we struggle to meet the increasing demand for our program, we hope you will make a donation to help make our community safer and healthier. Your gift will provide knowledge, information, and resources to young people who receive the program.

Imagine peace. Imagine safety. Imagine health.

Now imagine what you can do to help support KBEP.

With much appreciation,
Claire S. McVicker, Executive Director

P.S. Remember, you are our best partner in preventing relationship violence in our communities!

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