#TDVAM Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. KBEP believes that the best way to prevent relationship violence is through education on the topic. We are joining the national conversation this month to educate and raise awareness by participating in Respect Week 2018. Respect Week is February 12-16 and the theme is “Hands Unite: Do your part.” Loveisrespect designed this week to empower young people and their communities to take a stand against dating violence and to build healthy relationships. Using the hashtags, #HandsUnite  and #RespectWeek2018, share all the amazing actions you are taking for Respect Week 2018.

Keep an eye on our social media for the upcoming Respect Week activities, such as:

  • KBEP staff will participate in Wear Orange Day on Tuesday, February 13th and we hope you will too! Make sure to post pictures to Instagram and Twitter and share why you wear #Orange4Love !
  • KBEP staff will participate in Respect Week by answering the question: How do you show your partner respect? Join the conversation with us and tell us how you can practice respect in your dating relationships.

To find out how you can participate, check out the Love is Respect website and download the Respect Week 2018 Guide.

For parents, teachers and mentors:

KBEP is hosting a webinar on February 22, 2018, on Student Conflict Resolution/Healthy Skills, which can be utilized to help youth build and maintain healthy relationships. To register for the webinar, click here.